gambas3-gb-option | GNU-style command-line arguments parser for Gambas (deprecated) | |
gambas3-gb-pcre | Perl Compatible Regular Expression matching for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-pdf | PDF renderer for Gambas based on Poppler | |
gambas3-gb-qt5 | Qt5 toolkit implementation for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-qt5-ext | Qt5 toolkit extension for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-qt5-opengl | OpenGL for Gambas applications with Qt5 | |
gambas3-gb-qt5-webkit | Web browser component for Gambas based on WebKit/Qt5 | |
gambas3-gb-report | Report designer for Gambas (deprecated) | |
gambas3-gb-report2 | Report designer for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-scanner | Scanner management library for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-sdl | SDL library interface for Gambas (deprecated) | |
gambas3-gb-sdl-sound | Sound library for Gambas based on SDL (deprecated) | |
gambas3-gb-sdl2 | SDL2 component interface for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-sdl2-audio | SDL2 audio component interface for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-settings | Gambas Application settings management | |
gambas3-gb-signal | POSIX signals management for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-term | Terminal manager for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-term-form | Gambas Terminal Applications Forms | |
gambas3-gb-util | Miscellaneous utility functions for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-util-web | Miscellaneous utility functions for Gambas web applications | |
gambas3-gb-v4l | Video capture for Gambas (deprecated) | |
gambas3-gb-vb | Visual Basic compatibility for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-web | Gambas web applications development | |
gambas3-gb-web-feed | Gambas web feed parser and generator | |
gambas3-gb-web-form | Gambas web application GUI component | |
gambas3-gb-xml | XML tools now made in Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-xml-html | HTML generator for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-xml-rpc | XML-RPC protocol implementation for Gambas | |
gambas3-gb-xml-xslt | XSLT tools for Gambas based on libxslt | |
gambas3-ide | Integrated Development Environment for the Gambas programming language | |
gambas3-runtime | Gambas interpreter and basic runtime | |
gambas3-scripter | Gambas scripter | |
gambatte-dev | Game Boy Color emulator | |
gappa | Formal tool for certifying numerical applications | |
garage | S3-compatible object store for small self-hosted deployments | |
gat | GTK ACPI Tray Battery Monitor | |
gauche | R7RS Scheme implementation aimed to be a handy tool for daily works | |
gauche-dbd-pg | PostgreSQL back-end for Gauche-DBI | |
gauche-fastcgi | Fastcgi bindings for gauche | |
gauche-pib | Gauche library for the IRC protocol | |
gcalcli-git | Command line interface to Google Calendar | |
gcc10-aux | The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) with Ada support v10 | |
gcc10snapshot | The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) - 10.0 Release Series | |
gcc12 | The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) - 12.0 Release Series | |
gcc13 | The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) - 13.0 Release Series | |
gcc14 | The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) - 14.0 Release Series | |
gcc14-gnat | GNAT Compiler and Ada tools | |
gcc14-gnat-libs | The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) support shared libraries | |
gcc42 | This is the GCC 4.2.3 compiler | |
gcc43 | This is the GCC 4.3.2 compiler | |
gcc44 | GNU Compiler Collection 4.4 | |
gcc45 | GNU Compiler Collection 4.5 | |
gcc46 | GNU Compiler Collection 4.6 | |
gcc46-libs | The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) support shared libraries | |
gcc47 | The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) - 4.7 Release Series | |
gcc47-libs | The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) support shared libraries | |
gcc7-contrib | GNU GCC helper utilities | |
gcc9snapshot | The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) - 9.0 Release Series | |
gconf-cleaner | Cleaning tool for GConf | |
gcr4 | Library for crypto UI and related tasks | |
gcta | Genome-wide Complex Trait Analysis | |
gdal-docs | Documentation for GDAL | |
gdb-git | Symbolic debugger for multiple language frontends | |
gdb5 | Symbolic debugger for multiple language frontends | |
gdb6 | The GNU Project Debugger | |
gdb8 | Symbolic debugger for multiple language frontends | |
gdcm | Grassroots DiCoM for processing DICOM medical files | |
gde | Genetic Data Environment | |
gDesklets-rssgrab | RSS/RDF News Feed Grabber | |
gDesklets-starterbar | Icon bar for GNOME where you can put starters into | |
gdk-pixbuf-jxl | JpegXL GDK pixbuf loader | |
gdm | Gnome Display Manager | |
gdsreader | Calma Stream Format (GDSII) reader | |
gdstk | C++/Python library for GDSII and OASIS files | |
geant | Toolkit for the simulation of the passage of particles through matter | |
gecode | Toolkit for developing constraint-based systems | |
geekcode | The Geek Code Generator | |
gef | Modern experience for GDB with advanced debugging features | |
gemma | Genome-wide Efficient Mixed Model Association | |
generand | Generate random genomic data in FASTA/FASTQ, SAM, or VCF format | |
GenericRepeatFinder | Detect repeated sequences in genomes | |
geners | Generic Serialization for C++ | |
geneweb | GeneWeb is a genealogy database that runs as a web server | |
genus2reduction | Conductor and Reduction Types for Genus 2 Curves | |
geocode-glib2 | GNOME convenience library for geocoding | |
geodiff | Diff program for geopackages | |
geoloc | The geoloc app is an unix socket which delivers geo data | |
Geomyidae-git | Gopher daemon | |
gerris | Software solution of the PDE describing fluid flow | |
gerris-snapshot | Software the solution of the PDE describing fluid flow | |
getdns | Modern asynchronous DNS API | |
getdp | General environment for the treatment of discrete problems | |
getssl | Obtain free SSL certificates from letsencrypt ACME server | |
gf2x | Library for fast multiplication of polynomials over GF(2) | |
gfa | Gfa a GTK+ fast address | |
gfan | Program for computing with Groebner fans | |
gfeedline | Social network client for GNOME | |
gffread | GFF/GTF format conversions, filtering, FASTA extraction, etc | |
gfontview | Outline font viewer for X11 | |
gforth-git | Fast interpreter for the Forth language | |
mk | Subfolder |