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gambas3-gb-option GNU-style command-line arguments parser for Gambas (deprecated)
gambas3-gb-pcre Perl Compatible Regular Expression matching for Gambas
gambas3-gb-pdf PDF renderer for Gambas based on Poppler
gambas3-gb-qt5 Qt5 toolkit implementation for Gambas
gambas3-gb-qt5-ext Qt5 toolkit extension for Gambas
gambas3-gb-qt5-opengl OpenGL for Gambas applications with Qt5
gambas3-gb-qt5-webkit Web browser component for Gambas based on WebKit/Qt5
gambas3-gb-report Report designer for Gambas (deprecated)
gambas3-gb-report2 Report designer for Gambas
gambas3-gb-scanner Scanner management library for Gambas
gambas3-gb-sdl SDL library interface for Gambas (deprecated)
gambas3-gb-sdl-sound Sound library for Gambas based on SDL (deprecated)
gambas3-gb-sdl2 SDL2 component interface for Gambas
gambas3-gb-sdl2-audio SDL2 audio component interface for Gambas
gambas3-gb-settings Gambas Application settings management
gambas3-gb-signal POSIX signals management for Gambas
gambas3-gb-term Terminal manager for Gambas
gambas3-gb-term-form Gambas Terminal Applications Forms
gambas3-gb-util Miscellaneous utility functions for Gambas
gambas3-gb-util-web Miscellaneous utility functions for Gambas web applications
gambas3-gb-v4l Video capture for Gambas (deprecated)
gambas3-gb-vb Visual Basic compatibility for Gambas
gambas3-gb-web Gambas web applications development
gambas3-gb-web-feed Gambas web feed parser and generator
gambas3-gb-web-form Gambas web application GUI component
gambas3-gb-xml XML tools now made in Gambas
gambas3-gb-xml-html HTML generator for Gambas
gambas3-gb-xml-rpc XML-RPC protocol implementation for Gambas
gambas3-gb-xml-xslt XSLT tools for Gambas based on libxslt
gambas3-ide Integrated Development Environment for the Gambas programming language
gambas3-runtime Gambas interpreter and basic runtime
gambas3-scripter Gambas scripter
gambatte-dev Game Boy Color emulator
gappa Formal tool for certifying numerical applications
garage S3-compatible object store for small self-hosted deployments
gat GTK ACPI Tray Battery Monitor
gauche R7RS Scheme implementation aimed to be a handy tool for daily works
gauche-dbd-pg PostgreSQL back-end for Gauche-DBI
gauche-fastcgi Fastcgi bindings for gauche
gauche-pib Gauche library for the IRC protocol
gcalcli-git Command line interface to Google Calendar
gcc10-aux The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) with Ada support v10
gcc10snapshot The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) - 10.0 Release Series
gcc12 The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) - 12.0 Release Series
gcc13 The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) - 13.0 Release Series
gcc14 The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) - 14.0 Release Series
gcc14-gnat GNAT Compiler and Ada tools
gcc14-gnat-libs The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) support shared libraries
gcc42 This is the GCC 4.2.3 compiler
gcc43 This is the GCC 4.3.2 compiler
gcc44 GNU Compiler Collection 4.4
gcc45 GNU Compiler Collection 4.5
gcc46 GNU Compiler Collection 4.6
gcc46-libs The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) support shared libraries
gcc47 The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) - 4.7 Release Series
gcc47-libs The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) support shared libraries
gcc7-contrib GNU GCC helper utilities
gcc9snapshot The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) - 9.0 Release Series
gconf-cleaner Cleaning tool for GConf
gcr4 Library for crypto UI and related tasks
gcta Genome-wide Complex Trait Analysis
gdal-docs Documentation for GDAL
gdb-git Symbolic debugger for multiple language frontends
gdb5 Symbolic debugger for multiple language frontends
gdb6 The GNU Project Debugger
gdb8 Symbolic debugger for multiple language frontends
gdcm Grassroots DiCoM for processing DICOM medical files
gde Genetic Data Environment
gDesklets-rssgrab RSS/RDF News Feed Grabber
gDesklets-starterbar Icon bar for GNOME where you can put starters into
gdk-pixbuf-jxl JpegXL GDK pixbuf loader
gdm Gnome Display Manager
gdsreader Calma Stream Format (GDSII) reader
gdstk C++/Python library for GDSII and OASIS files
geant Toolkit for the simulation of the passage of particles through matter
gecode Toolkit for developing constraint-based systems
geekcode The Geek Code Generator
gef Modern experience for GDB with advanced debugging features
gemma Genome-wide Efficient Mixed Model Association
generand Generate random genomic data in FASTA/FASTQ, SAM, or VCF format
GenericRepeatFinder Detect repeated sequences in genomes
geners Generic Serialization for C++
geneweb GeneWeb is a genealogy database that runs as a web server
genus2reduction Conductor and Reduction Types for Genus 2 Curves
geocode-glib2 GNOME convenience library for geocoding
geodiff Diff program for geopackages
geoloc The geoloc app is an unix socket which delivers geo data
Geomyidae-git Gopher daemon
gerris Software solution of the PDE describing fluid flow
gerris-snapshot Software the solution of the PDE describing fluid flow
getdns Modern asynchronous DNS API
getdp General environment for the treatment of discrete problems
getssl Obtain free SSL certificates from letsencrypt ACME server
gf2x Library for fast multiplication of polynomials over GF(2)
gfa Gfa a GTK+ fast address
gfan Program for computing with Groebner fans
gfeedline Social network client for GNOME
gffread GFF/GTF format conversions, filtering, FASTA extraction, etc
gfontview Outline font viewer for X11
gforth-git Fast interpreter for the Forth language
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